JACoW BoD Welcome and Summary Report of Pre-TM

Ivan Andrian Transparencies http://www.jacow.org/JTM2017/JACoWBoardOfDirectorsWelcome

Some changes of policy:

  • Corrections to papers post-publication: It can happen, though in only very exceptional cases. There is a statement published on JACoW.org concerning policy.
  • Licence CC-BY 3

This came into being recently meaning earlier conferences need to be contacted for permission to modify the copyright information.

  • JACoW Sustainability: We observe higher risks in several to run the collaboration and publish proceedings. SPMS Development for example, where Matt is alone. There is a need to encourage Team Members to undertake scripting to produce the final proceedings packages to relieve Volker and reduce the risk factor in this area.
  • SPMS-Indico Merge. It was decided to set up a working group composed of 6 JACoW members to follow the development with the Indico people as we work towards milestones.
  • Review the JACoW Charter to also emphasize the absolute necessity for new team members to undergo training and in turn to take on the role of mentor/teacher according to the JACoW model.

JACoW Voting Introduction

JACoW Election Coordinator Ronny Billen http://www.jacow.org/JTM2017/JACoWVotingIntroductionVotingScrutineerJACoWChairCandidates

More news later in the week. No questions.

What is JACoW and What Does It Offer Your Conference Todd Satogata http://www.jacow.org/Editors/WhyPublishonJACoW See transparencies, if available

Question from Garry concerning the fact that Google Scholar picks up the meta data in JACoW proceedings. This enables people to google papers and find them without passing through JACoW.org. Google however does not work in China.

Question: The question is whether anything can be done to solve the problem for Chinese colleagues.
Action: Todd will look into it.

Where to Get Help for JACoW.org Charlie Horak http://www.jacow.org/Editors/HomePage

No questions.

Revision of 2016 Meeting Information David Button http://www.jacow.org/JTM2017/Revisionof2016MeetingInformation This page leads to the slides presentation No questions.