Updates and Suggestions for 2015 Team Meeting, Padova

Submitted by Charlie Horak

Tasks from 2014 Team Meeting

  1. Make it easier to find team meeting presentations.
  2. Recommend a plan for incorporating presentations directly into wiki.
  3. Expand "for Organizers" documentation to include items by topic/activity.

Suggested plan to address tasks 1 & 2

  • Using program/agenda from meeting, link directly to each presentation, which will be on the wiki in the form of a web page, slides, or paper.
  • Place presentations in the following locations:
    • Meeting specific--items relevant only to the current meeting (for example, welcome, new issues and assignments, conclusions). Place on new pages created within the meeting site, similar to, for example, venue and registration pages.
    • Continuing tutorial--topics relevant from year to year that are tutorial in nature (for example, Pitstop tips). Place on the appropriate pages throughout the wiki, updated each year as needed.
    • Continuing nontutorial--topics that continue from year to year but are not tutorial (for example, templates, web development, InDiCo). Place on new or existing pages throughout the wiki as appropriate. See for example, new working group pages at for JACoW Team under "Projects."
  • Actions
    • See a basic sample agenda for 2015 meeting.
    • Several presentations from the 2014 team meeting that were originally placed at the bottom of the "for Organizers" menu have been incorporated into the rest of the site according to topic.

Task 3: in Progress

  • A rough Proceedings Production by Topic page is linked to from the for Organizers page, but there is much more to do. The links on this page will go to the same pages as the chronology section on proceedings production. When this basic page is done, it can be expanded to include include SPMS documentation.
  • The "for Organizers" menu is being tweaked to make it more user friendly. Feedback is always appreciated.