OBSOLETE!. See updated version.

Global configuration of package CWS

The new version of package (2.0+) uses a single configuration file (config.php), with a global section for common settings and others dedicated for each script/app.

Before the first run some global settings must be configured, these are:

  • ROOT_PATH: the path where the package is installed (es. /var/www/html/cws_ipac_xyz)
  • conf_name: the name of the conference (es. IPAC XYZ)
  • spms_url: the url of SPMS
  • spms_passphrase: the password set in SPMS (System Parameters / Web Configuration / Secret Passphrase for automated data extracts).
  • cws_timezone: the timezone of conference (es. Asia/Seoul, Europe/Rome, ....)
  • root_url: the url of CWS scripts, usefull for the web apps (es. http://www.ipac_xyz.org/cws)


The data into the SPMS are updated continuously so the scripts must be executed periodically with the fresh data. To simplify this task the package provide the script cron.php that reads the configuration file and executes each script at the right time.


 crontab -e

 * * * * *     root     /var/www/html/cws_ipac_xyz/cron.php

The global setting cron_enabled enable or disable this script, instead the setting cron (one for each script) tell when. Some examples:

 cron => '*:*' // the script is run each minute
 cron => '*:00' // the script is run each hour at minute 00
 cron => '10:00' // the script is run at 10:00
 cron => false // the script is not run


This script is important to be run as first because it creates some files for the other scripts, if you update the cron values don't change this order.