Default Search ToolThis search screen allows you to search for a paper based on;
Note: The '%' character can be used as a Wildcard Search character. Author name searches are sensitive to foreign charters such as ö, see Accent Characters for more details on how to input these characters. Only the top 5 results will be shown to the right of the page, and you must click on the result to have both the Word and LaTeX pre-formatted citation to allow you to copy and paste into your document.
Once you have clicked on the correct search result from the right hand side of the screen, you will bring up the reference page which will have the pre-formatted text for both Word and LaTeX. The reference screen will also give you all the information about the particular reference including a list of all the authors, and the meta data which was imported to generate the reference in the database. Result Screen
Complete and Abbreviated FormThis denotes how much information is going to be included in the resulting citation. Currently JACoW accepts both complete and abbreviated forms, and it is up to the author to decide which they wish to use. Though if page length is not an issue the complete form is preferable. To toggle between these two forms click of the Use Complete Form, or Use Abbreviated Form button below the citation. Example of Complete and Abbreviated Form
Warning and Information BannersWarning banners will be displayed in this screen should the reference be known to be incomplete such as missing page numbers, or should an error have been reported.
If Proceeding are UnpublishedA button will be displayed to allow you to toggle between displaying the For use at same conference and Not for use for this conference. This is very important as it will format the citation to suite the appropriate situation. The difference between the two citation forms ac be seen below;
For Example: While writing this help section, IPAC'19 is to be held in 3 months time, and IBIC'18 has not yet published though the conference has been held in September 2018.
If I am preparing a paper for IPAC'19, I can find citations for papers not yet presented at IPAC'19, and will make sure that Blue Banner is shown as per the table above for the "this conference" to be used in the reference. If I am including a reference from IBIC'18 then the Pale Orange Banner is shown as per the table above.
Copy and Paste Word CitationOnce the citations have been pasted into a Word document you must reorder them to match the order they are cited in you paper, and replace the 'n' with the correct reference number. Further more you can correct the style to suit 1 of 3 JACoW_Reference styles.
This ensures references are indented correctly in the reference list. |