Building the Program: Daily Events (for Program)

IntroductionProgram Code Sort Order
Presentation Type (Contributions)Validate Paper ID Sequences
Presentation Type (Sessions)Assign/Move Paper IDs
Contribution CodesAllocating Talks to Sessions
Location CodesAllocating Posters to Sessions
Session CodesDaily Events for Program
Creating Sessions
Enter Session Chairs

The screen

  • Scientific Program Administration / Daily Events (for Program)

is used to enter events that take place each day during the conference but that are not part of the scientific programme, for example, lunch break, coffee break, etc.

Enter a number in the daily event (for each day), enter beginning and end times such as 1000 (10:00) to 1030 (10:30), and write out the event in full, for example, "Coffee Break".

These daily events are thus included in the conference program screen showing a synoptic table of the whole event. See