File Upload/Download

While an SPMS conference instance can be set up at any regional support centre, a file server for the upload of contributions to the proceedings is also required. This falls under the responsibility of the LOC/EB and is usually installed locally (i.e., at the hosting institute). The file server should be available for testing around three months before the conference begins and should be in production around two months in advance. More recently, a file server has been set up at PSI for conferences to use. Contact Jan Chrin if you would like to use this facility; he can also do the initial configuration.

Instructions for the upload of contributions to the proceedings should be published on the conference website at the same time as the authors are informed of their program codes, i.e., around two months before the beginning of the conference (the file server should be operational at this point). All contributions are uploaded via the individual profiles of authors, and file names are based on the program codes.

Authors are required to submit:

  • The original source file (Word, LaTeX, Open Office, etc.).
  • A PDF (preferable) or PostScript file.
  • Individual figure files.

To enable the authors to upload their files to the SPMS, a couple of prerequisites must be satisfied:

  1. All the sessions must be defined in the SPMS and paper IDs (programme codes) assigned to the abstracts.
  2. The upload flag must be set in the SPMS parameters.

Maintenance Tables

When the SPMS is first delivered, there are several maintenance tables that come set with default values. These can be checked or amended as required on the "Editor/Proceedings Administration" pages.

  • Under "File Types," the list of file-types that the authors can upload is defined, plus error messages that the author receives if uploaded incorrectly.
  • The "Platform Codes" page contains a list of the different types of platforms the authors can select from when uploading their contribution.

System Parameters

There are several parameters that can be set on the system parameters page.

  • On the "User" tab, the option "Accepting File Uploads" should be set to "Yes."
  • On the "URLs" tab, entering a value for the "File Upload Instructions URL" will provide a link to the conference-specific instructions at the top of the file upload screen.
  • On the "Web Configuration" tab, the locations for the "Author File Upload Script" and "Editor Download Script" should be completed with the full URLs to the file server for paper submission. The URL may point to any machine, not necessarily the machine upon which the database runs. The secret pass-phrases used by the JACoW Upload Download Scripts (JUDS) should also be entered as soon as they have been set.