Pre-Press Publication of Proceedings

It is not necessary to await final publication on JACoW to pre-publish papers that have been successfully processed. All papers for which the contribution

  • has been presented (oral presentations) or posted and staffed (posters),
  • is of good quality, and
  • has passed final QA

can be published via https://{conference url}/toc.htm as early as possible. The PDF files needed for publication have all to be placed in a single directory which is linked from SPMS via an link entry in <Overall Database Administration> ↦ <System Parameters> ↦ <URLs> ↦ <Proceedings TOC Base URL>. This can to be done by copying or linking the PDFs from the paper-id named directories on the file server (PSI or JLab). There are scripts which can do this (ask Jan Chrin for PSI or Anthony Cuffe for JLab). This pre-press publication will show the paper PDFs only.

A second way of pre-press publication can be achieved using the JPSP scripts and generate a pre-release (switch conference_pre = 1 and text line conference_pre_text = Pre-Release Snapshot 07-Oct-2016 10:00). This publication contains papers and slides and/or posters if the conference so chooses. The generated web pages together with the PDFs have to be copied to a web server, there is no direct linking from SPMS.

A list of all contributions in program order can be generated with the Table of Contents feature in SPMS under General / Reports / Table of Contents. The Generate Paper TOC Values feature provides the administrator with a view of all contributions submitted to the proceedings, in programme order, with page numbers.

Ideally, this is done on the last day of the conference or soon thereafter.

The pre-press publication includes papers (and slides and/or posters if the conference so chooses) only. Indexes, photos, etc., are included only with the final publication at