Scripts for Upload/Download of Contributions to Proceedings

Contact: Ivan Andrian, Elettra


Files required for conference proceedings are to be uploaded by authors via the SPMS. Those files, then, will be available to the editors for their job during the paper processing.

This process is performed using some Perl scripts called JUDS (JACoW Upload/Download Scripts)

The FileServer

A file server is needed for this task, and it is the responsibility of the conference to set one up. However, such a facility is also being offered at PSI for use by the JACoW collaboration. Please view the JACoW File Server at PSI pages for more information.


A server running webserver software capable of running Perl CGI scripts, exposed to the Internet, and with a fast and reliable network connection both to the conference database server and the proceedings office at the Venue, since this server won't be moved during the conference. A Unix machine is recommended, even if Windows servers are supported.

The Upload/Download Scripts

The scripts are available on the JACoW GitHub.

The code is self-documented through Perl POD documents, so please refer to that documentation for installation and configuration instructions.