JACoW Stakeholders
The JACoW community is composed of Stakeholders, who are as follows:
- Members of the accelerator community at large, and in particular representatives of laboratories and institutes working in the field of accelerator science and technology, invited or volunteering to participate in JACoW business, with no restriction as to number or mandate.
- Representatives of the JACoW Collaboration conferences:
- Conference Editors--past, current, and future--in each of the conference series, nominated by each Conference Chair, with a changeover once the “current” conference has taken place.
- Scientific Programme Committee Chairs--past, current, and future--in each series, members of the Collaboration, again with a changeover once the “current” conference has taken place.
- Individuals, who may be former editors, or other persons with competences required for the ultimate goal of prompt and professional electronic publication.

JACoW welcomes proposals for members of institutes not yet represented to
ensure the best possible awareness within the community and support
for the JACoW Collaboration.
Persons wishing to be included should contact Adriana Rossi