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Tuesday, 4th December

09:00–9:30 Registration (Room Foyer)

09:00 | Registration

09:30–10:30 (Room Auditorium)

Introduction to JACoW & Collaboration Report
Session Chair: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz

09:30 | Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz - European Organization for Nuclear Research

JACoW Team Meeting Welcome

09:35 | Speaker: Dr Rudolph Nchodu - Deputy Director of iThemba LABS

Welcome from iThemba LABS

09:45 | Speaker: Naomi Haasbroek - iThemba LABS

House Keeping

09:50 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

Overview of BoD aims for the Team Meeting, report on JACoW mission, activities, areas of development, challenges, future forecasts and needs. Introduce active working groups, asks for expressions of interest and advise parallel meeting times (Mobile App, 2018 TM, Online Help, One-on-one, etc. )

10:10 | Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz - European Organization for Nuclear Research

Open Discussion Kick Off Wash-up


Coffee break

11:00–12:30 (Room Auditorium)

Session Chair: Ivan Andrian

11:00 | Speaker: Ronny Billen - European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)

Introduction to the regional support staff, the activities that they undertake setting up instances of SPMS, summary of support requests by the regional support team members, and the process of publication of proceedings onto JACoW.org with a summary of all those proceedings which have been published in the past 12 months.

11:15 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The JACoW collaboration is a collaboration which has wide community of collaborators from around the world. Being born out of the arrival of electronic publication in the mid-nineties, JACoW has had a team of innovators who have co-operated delivering systems and tools for the organisation, operation, and long term achieving of conference proceedings for the accelerator and complementary communities. This talk will give a look at the history at the genesis of JACoW to modern day, vision into the future, and discuss the obligations and policies, network of collaborators and supporting volunteers, which enable the effective outcomes of the collaboration and bind it together.

11:45 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

This talk brings together the breakdown of the roles which have been developed over the years to execute a successful JACoW conference, and give an overview of what they contribute to the organisation, execution, and close out of the conference.

12:15 | Speaker: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This talk will outline the basic structure and organization of the Organizers/Editors section of JACoW.org and where to find help for working in the wiki.



14:00–15:30 (Room Auditorium)

Proceedings Office Work Flows 1
Session Chair: Jana Thomson

14:00–15:30 (Room J145)

Online Help Working Group

14:00 | Speaker: David Button - ANSTO

Add Abstract

14:30 | Speaker: Volker RW Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

This presentation will list the different tasks accomplished using JPSP before, during and after the conference. In addition actual trends of file type submission for various conferences are shown.

15:00 | Speaker: Jan Chrin - Paul Scherrer Institut

Add Abstract

14:00 | Chair: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Online Help Working Group 2018


Coffee break

16:00–18:00 (Room Auditorium)

JACoW Conference Coordination:Improving Continuity and Sustainability
Session Chair: Todd Satogata

16:00 | Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz - European Organization for Nuclear Research

This presentation will pick up from the kickoff session, discuss JACoW history and the emergence of its "model" for sustainability, its positive and negative aspects, and how it may evolve in the future.

16:20 | Speaker: Keihan Tavakoli - Synchrotron SOLEIL

MEDSI (Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron equipment and Instrumentation) is a biennial international conference since 2000. The Synchrotron SOLEIL was proud to host the 10th edition of this conference from 25 to 29 June 2018 in Paris. MEDSI is a member of JACoW since 2015 and MEDSI’18 was the second conference using JACoW platform and tools. A brief history and an experience feedback after two JACoW conferences will be presented on behalf of MEDSI International Organization Committee.

16:30 | Poster Session (Room Service Passage)

18:00–19:00 (Room Foyer)

Welcome Reception