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Thursday, 30th November

(Room A415)

(Room A419)


IT Requirements, Advancements
Session Chair: Kyung Sook Kim

09:00 | Speaker: Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

This talk will showcase the variety SPMS generated reports which can be included in your conference website which are automatically updated as data evolves is your SPMS instance. Example code and exercises will be featured for further hands on working following the demonstration. A number of useful applications for poster police, doting boards, and other information screens will be showcased. Conference registration and the exchange of information between external registration systems will also be discussed.

09:30 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC

Since Jab hosted IPAC, there has been ongoing solutions and development of mobile applications that delegates can use to access information throughout the conference. This also serves as a platform for advertising, reducing the need for programme books, and gives the delegate extra user experience in organising their participation. This talk will talk about the latest solution which was used at IPAC'17, and advise and direction to the future of this tool.

09:50 | Speaker: Todd Satogata - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

No matter if you are running an IPAC or one of the smaller conference series the importance of good IT support and operating workstations is key to enabling editors, presentation managers, author reception staff to complete their activities. This talk will give details of the latest software and setups required, and give options for various conference sizes.

10:10 | Speaker: Jana Thomson - TRIUMF

TRIUMF will be hosting the IPAC'18 in the city of Vancouver, Canada BC. This talk will give a report on the status of their preparations, and report on the expected staffing and IT requirements they are developing. Furthermore details about the conference and the facility with be showcased to the meeting.

10:40 | Speaker: Adrian Mönnich - European Organization for Nuclear Research Information Technology Department (IT)

Software platforms such as Slack cloud service, and Mattermost enable an alternative method of facilitation of conversations and the exchange of files and other information. These platforms have advantages over tradition email facilitated communication. This talk will introduce and discuss these tools.


Online Help Working Group

09:00 | Chair: Charlie Horak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Online Help Working Group 2017


Coffee break


Institute of High Energy Physics Tour



(Room A419)

(Room A415)


Tutorial 2

T2a 14:30 | Tutor: Volker Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

This tutorial will be an interactive demonstration and discussion for those who have been active in doing LaTeX editing. Volker who is a master of LaTeX will give tips and tricks, and highlight the typical problems he comes across.

T2c 14:45 | Tutor: Volker Schaa - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

''Based on last years tutorial this year we wish to give more time to allow as many people as possible to gain experience in running scripts to help service activities throughout the stages of your conference.
Part 2 will focus on running scripts which you can use to generate useful information such as SPMS vs Paper Author lists, Processed Paper Grip Sheets, Abstract books, etc..''


Tutorial 2

T2b 14:00 | Tutor: Adrian Mönnich - European Organization for Nuclear Research Information Technology Department (IT)

Driving Latest Indico
Tutorial Demonstration: Setting up a basic conference, adding and removing pages, what is required, access to help, etc.


Coffee break

(Room A415)

(Room A419)


IPAC'17 Debrief
Session Chair: Garry Trahern

16:00 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC

IPAC is the largest conference in the JACoW collaboration and utilises e very part of the collaboration. This report will give a detailed analysis of the undertakings, and activities which went on to bring IPAC'17 together, and advice to other conferences and future IPAC based on the recent experience.

16:50 | Speaker: Takashi Kosuge - KEK

Report on Speaker Preparation IPAC’17
Brief report on the staffing and activities that were carried out in the speaker ready area of IPAC'17, any problems and solutions that came about.

16:50 | Speaker: Sue Waller - Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory Accelerator Science and Technology Centre

Brief report on the staffing and activities that were carried out in the speaker ready area of IPAC'17, any problems and solutions that came about.

17:00 | Speaker: Johan Olander - European Spallation Source ERIC

IPAC's and many conferences are heavily reliant on the suitability and the performance of the IT systems pre, during, and post conference. Johan will give a detailed report on the undertakings of IPAC'17 with valuable advice to those holding conferences in future generally and for IPAC's.



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